1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Orthopaedics, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
and Bulovka University Hospital


Informations for students

1. The Organization of Studies
The studies of orthopaedics in the 4th grade of Master´s degree studies are organized in the form of a two-week study stay. The prerequisites for completing the study stay are guided by valid regulations of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. The study stay begins daily at 8 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. The attendance is checked at the beginning and at the end of the study stay. Full attendance with the toleration of one absence only is required in order to be granted the credit. The form of compensation for another fully justified absence is solved on an individual basis, above all by full attendance of the student in the study day.
Changing one´s shoes and wearing a white coat are required in order to be allowed to enter the department.

2. The Study Stay
The study stay begins daily by attending the ward rounds by the head of the clinic at six departments – traumatology (Monday), pediatric orthopaedics (Tuesday), joint-replacement (Wednesday), general orthopaedics and oncology (Thursday), sport traumatology (Thursday), and spinal surgery and septic orthopaedics (Friday). During the ward rounds the students can see concrete orthopaedic diseases and traumas and their medical solutions. The ward rounds, therefore, present irreplaceable practical instruction in orthopaedics and are based even on theoretical analysis of modalities in treatment of individual concrete patients. Thanks to the fact that the departments are highly specialized, the students have a chance to acquaint themselves with highly specialized health care in individual departments of the clinic. The spectrum of patients covers the overall field of orthopaedics.
At 9:30 a.m. the students are provided information about activities in individual departments, that is aimed at concrete practical examination and treatment of patients. Between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. the agenda offers seminars covering the whole field of orthopaedics and traumatology according to the set syllabus, both in theoretical and practical knowledge (orthopaedic examination of the patient, knowledge of prosthetic aids, means of modern osteosynthesis, arthroprosthetics, X-ray pictures of basic orthopaedic defects, diseases and injuries). Theoretical presentations contain all significant data in accordance with the latest knowledge and skills. The students who duly completed the study stay are granted the credit on the last day of the study stay.

3. Verification of Knowledge by Examination
The dates of examinations are advertised after the beginning of the study stay. The examinations are held in the afternoon hours. The first term is advertised for the 2nd week after the completion of the study stay. The application for the examinations are guided by valid regulations of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. The examination comprises a practical part where the knowledge is verified through a discussion over an X-ray picture showing common orthopaedic diseases and injuries. Also verified is basic knowledge about implants and means of osteosynthesis used in orthopaedics and traumatology.
Following are two theoretical questions which have been drawn by the student in the beginning of the examination. One question contains a topic from traumatology of the locomotory system, the second question is from orthopaedics. The students always have an adequate time limit for preparation before the theoretical examination.

4. Compulsory-facultative Subject
The classes of a compulsory-facultative subject are held during afternoon seminars.
The topics are mostly modern trends in pediatric orthopaedics, being the basics of orthopaedics.The topics of the seminars are chosen in a way to complete the orthopaedic topics which are not usually taught in detail and intercross other fields, such as e.g. neuroorthopaedics of infant age, rheumatology and metabolic defects, pediatric oncology and pediatric traumatology. Further topics are prepared, namely in traumatology and oncology.

5. Optional Study Stay in the Orthopaedic Clinic (for students of the 5th and 6th grades after passing the examination from orthopaedics)
After agreement with the teachers, the students have an opportunity to participate in common daily operation of the trauma-centre in the orthopaedic clinic in the form of afternoon and evening stays under the control of the head physician in service, who is usually also a teacher at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This form of teaching is aimed above all at the practical part of orthopaedics and traumatology of the locomotory system.
Interested students are thus offered an opportunity to practise basic surgical treatment of injuries and fractures, to follow the algorithm of examination and treatment of seriously injuried and polytraumatized patients, as well as to join the surgical team in the operating theatre. This form of teaching is aimed particularly at those students who are interested in orthopaedics as their future specialization.

6. English-speaking students and students studying within ERASMUS and SOCRATES projects
In the past years, the Orthopaedic Clinic provided a limited study programme for English-speaking students of pediatric orthopaedics and orthopaedic oncology. Since 2007, the clinic has been offering a two-week English-language complete study programme in orthopaedics which is identical, in both its content and form, with that designed for Czech-speaking students. The courses are completed with an examination in English according to the same principles as those applied in the Czech Master´s degree studies. After individual agreement with the faculty dean´s office and teachers, there are foreign students staying in the clinic within some other international projects. Optional study stays aimed at practical aspects of orthopaedics can also be arranged for the interested English-speaking students.

7. Practical Courses in Traumatology within the Study Stay in Surgery
In cooperation with the department of surgery, the students of the 6th grade will complete a one-day stay in the traumatological outpatients´ department.

8. Student Scientific Activities
If interested, students can be involved in scientific activities in orthopaedics under the leadership of a supervisor/teacher of the 1st Medical Faculty of the Charles University. The results of the work can be published by a common form in the faculty competition. They can also be part of or the content of an article which can be sent for publication to a specialized journal of the Czech Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

9. Postgraduate Studies
The clinic offers its postgraduate study programme. Applications are registered according to valid regulations of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. Currently, there are two postgraduate students staying in the clinic.

10. Non-Medical and Bachelor´s Studies
Apart from the complete courses of orthopaedic prosthetics in the Bachelor´s study programme, the clinic ensures the practical part of this programme in physiotherapy, led by selected teachers of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University.
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