1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Orthopaedics, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
and Bulovka University Hospital


Informations for patients

Medical care
The Orthopaedic Clinic of the Bulovka Faculty Hospital covers, in six departments, the whole spectrum of orthopaedics: pediatric orthopaedics, sport traumatology, traumatology, spinal orthopaedics, septic orthopaedics, oncological orthopaedics, general orthopaedics and joint-replacement. The most sophisticated methods are used in prevention and therapy, fully in accordance with the latest development in the given specialization. In 2006, extensive modernization was held in part of the clinic, particularly in orthopaedic operating rooms.
There are some 6,500 surgeries performed in the clinic annually. The clinic provides top-level consultations for pediatric orthopaedics, spinal orthopaedics, traumatology and oncology of locomotory system. Patients from the Czech Republic and abroad are examined and treated there. The outpatient department of the clinic serves annually some 55,000 patients. The clinic is also the traumatological centre for an extensive area of the northern part of Prague and its surroundings with non-stop traumatological service. In medical care the clinic cooperates with a number of foreign clinics, where its doctors are invited to provide consultations and perform surgeries (Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Kuwait).
In-patients departments include 150 beds for patients. A standard room is equipped for 3 patients, who share a bathroom. These rooms are usually equipped with a TV set. There are also one-bed and two-bed rooms available which are equipped with individual bathrooms, a TV set and a telephone and internet. There is no difference as to the level of the health care provided to both types of the rooms.

The list of doctors working in the Bulovka Orthopaedic Hospital (31.3. 2015):

Prof. Pavel Dungl, MD, PhD – head of the clinic
Ivo Kofránek, MD – senior consultant
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Chomiak, MD, PhD – deputy head responsible for classes at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University, head of the pediatric orthopaedic department
Assoc. Prof. Aleš Podškubka, MD, PhD – deputy head responsible for the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education (IPVZ), head of sport traumatology department
Radovan Kubeš, MD,PhD – head of department for joint replacement
Zdeněk Matějovský, MD, PhD – head of general orthopaedics and oncological orthopaedics
Marek Majerníček, MD – head of traumatology department
Ladislav Tóth, MD – head of spinal and septic orthopaedics department
Jiří Kolman, MD – deputy senior consultant


Pediatric Department:
Monika Frydrychová, MD
Martin Ošťádal, MD 

Michaela Kassaiová,MD

Spinal and Septic Orthopaedics Department:
Josef Včelák, MD,PhD 

Roman Šuman,MD

Petr Oliva,MD

Sport Orthopaedics Department:
Jan Vaculík, MD
Pavel Cinegr, MD
Radek Dolejš, MD

Traumatology Department:
Marek Majerníček, MD
Petra Dokládalová,MD
Ondřej Schwarz,MD
Roman Stachoň, MD

Joint-replacement Department:
Michal Burian,MD

Štěpán Magersky,MD

Sergej Makarenko,M

General Orthopaedics and Oncological Orthopaedics
Jan Lesenský, MD
Karel Němec, MD
Intensive Care Unit:
Michal Šlégl, MD

Traumatological Outpatients´ Department:
Michal Šlégl, MD

Doctors working part-time:
Martin Biegel,MD,RNDr
Michal Matějíček, MD, PhD
Zdeněk Koutný, MD 

David Geltner, MD
Martin Kafuněk,MD

Internal Medicine Consultant:
Pavel Živna, MD

Charge Nurse:
Eva Fořtová


Hana Nováková
Blanka Malá

number of views: 2890 last modification: 31.03.2015
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